Jhonatan Pinheiro

Hello, It's Me

Jhonatan Pinheiro

And I'm

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About Me

Web developer and Database Administrator

I am a professional with solid experience in the areas of Information Technology and Sales. I hold an academic degree in Systems Analysis and Development (IT) and in addition to being a native Portuguese speaker, I also have an intermediate level of English and understand Spanish to a certain level. Throughout my career, I have served as a Computer Support Analyst at Adesso, worked as a Sales Supervisor at Burger King, and have been employed as a Database Administrator/ Web Developer at Radiusnet since.

My Journey


2017 - 2022

Analysis and systems Development - FATEC

Programming and Software Development: Learning various programming languages, algorithms, and software development techniques.

Databases: Studying databases, modeling, and SQL to store and retrieve information.

Web Development: Creating web applications, learning front-end and back-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks.

Information Security: Understanding the principles of cybersecurity, data protection, and threat prevention.

Requirement Analysis: Gathering and documenting software requirements, understanding customer needs.

Project Management: Methods and tools for planning, executing, and controlling software development projects.

System Architecture: Designing and creating scalable and efficient software architectures.

System Integration: Connecting different systems to work together seamlessly.

Communication and Teamwork: Interpersonal skills and collaboration for effective teamwork.

Ethics and Professional Responsibility: Adherence to ethical and legal standards in system development.

Problem Solving: Developing analytical and problem-solving skills.

Others ...


2023/April - Now

Full Stack Developer | DBA


As a developer and DBA at the company, I perform a wide range of essential activities to ensure the smooth operation of systems and databases. Some of the key tasks I undertake include:

Analysis, Development and Mapping of New Features: I am constantly involved in requirements analysis, developing new features, and mapping processes to improve our systems.

Database Logic and Structuring: I oversee the logic and structuring of databases, ensuring that data is stored and accessed efficiently.

SQL Queries: I write complex SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data according to system requirements.

Backups: I regularly perform database backups to ensure data security and integrity.

Data Import Preparation, Analysis and Execution: I am involved in preparing, analyzing, and executing data imports, ensuring successful integration of data into our systems.

Programming Language (PHP): I develop and maintain PHP code to enhance our systems and create data import scripts.

Data Handling: I perform data treatment, including cleansing, transformation, and enrichment, to ensure data quality.

Documentation of Features: I contribute to feature documentation, ensuring all team members have access to relevant information.

Operating System (Linux - Ubuntu): I work in Linux environments, with a focus on Ubuntu-based systems.

Development and Collaboration Tools: I use tools like GitLab for version control, Wekan for task management, and Docker for deploying applications in containers.

Database Tools: I use tools like HeidiSQL for database management.

Radius and Internet Service Provider: I manage services related to authentication and authorization, as well as work with internet service providers.

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): I develop and maintain ETL processes to move data between systems and perform transformations when necessary.

These are some of the critical activities I perform in my role as a developer and DBA at the company, contributing to the success and efficiency of systems and databases.

2021/October  |  2023/January

Computer Support Analyst - Help Desk

Adesso Tecnologia

As a Computer Support Analyst (Help Desk), I undertook a wide range of responsibilities to ensure the smooth functioning of our IT infrastructure and provide effective support to our users. Here are some of the key activities I engaged in:

Email Security Management: I accessed, browsed, and managed email security through the web consoles of Acronis and Perception Point, ensuring the security of our email systems.

Cyber Protect Cloud Services: I handled licensing, agent installations, operational concepts, and tenant and user management in Acronis' Cyber Protect Cloud services.

Administration Tasks: I performed various administrative tasks, including group management, remote desktop, remote assistance, hardware inventory, and patch management using Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.

System Monitoring: I monitored disk integrity, software inventory, and fault-tolerant solutions to maintain system reliability using Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.

Cybersecurity Operations: I planned and executed cybersecurity operations using Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud to protect digital asset.

Backup and Recovery: I planned and executed backup, recovery, and other related operations using Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud to ensure data continuity.

Disaster Recovery: I planned and executed cloud-based disaster recovery operations, failover, and failback using Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.

Email Security Management: I navigated and managed email security through the web consoles of Acronis and Perception Point to protect email communication.

Cloud Interface Usage: I used and navigated between the admin and user consoles, established client connectivity, and performed common operations related to Cloud File and Notary interfaces.

Security Management: I administered security aspects, disaster recovery, backups, and other cybersecurity topics to protect systems using Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.

Network Security: I worked with the Network Security Firewall (Blockbit) to ensure network security.

Operating Systems: I provided customer assistance and support for both Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. Additionally, I administered the DELL server's Active Directory.

Hardware Management: I handled tasks related to hardware, ensuring that our computer systems and peripherals functioned correctly.

Printer Sharing Management: I managed printer sharing and resolved issues related to printer access and configurations.

Bitdefender Agent: I installed and uninstalled Bitdefender antivirus agents to maintain endpoint security.

Network Devices: I configured, managed, and monitored various network devices, including firewalls, switches, hubs, and Ubiquiti Unifi equipment.

IT Management Tools: I used IT management tools like GLPI and ZABBIX for the organization and monitoring of the IT infrastructure.

In my role as a Computer Support Analyst, I played a fundamental role in maintaining the functionality, security, and efficiency of our IT systems and infrastructure, as well as in providing support to users.

2020/June  |  2020/November

Junior Member - Research


In the study league at UNICAMP College dedicated to the financial market, my activities revolved around deepening my knowledge and skills in this dynamic and challenging field. I actively participated in research, market analysis, and economic trend studies. Additionally, I collaborated with peers to develop innovative financial strategies and solutions. This enriching experience allowed me to enhance my understanding of the financial market and contribute to the academic community, preparing me for future opportunities in the financial sector.

2015/June  |  2017/July

Sales Supervisor

Burger King

In my role as a Sales Supervisor at Burger King, I played a multifaceted role, ensuring the effective and successful operation of the restaurant. In addition to leading the team, my responsibilities included:

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Control: I monitored and managed the cost of goods sold to optimize profitability.

Sales Team Training and Management: I led and trained the sales team, ensuring a high level of performance and customer satisfaction.

New Product Sales Strategies: I developed strategies to promote and drive sales of new products, maintaining innovation on the menu.

Marketing: I contributed to marketing initiatives, ensuring that promotions and campaigns were effectively implemented.

Customer Service: Ensured exceptional customer service, prioritizing customer satisfaction at all times.

Register Closing: Responsible for cash register closing and ensuring accuracy in financial transactions.

Overall Inventory Control: Monitored and managed inventory to prevent shortages or wastage

PEPS (First In, First Out) and PVPS (First to Expire, First Out) Monitoring: Managed inventory according to PEPS and PVPS principles to maintain product quality.

Responsible for the Entire Operational Process: Supervised the entire operational process from start to finish, ensuring that all procedures were followed correctly.

Responsible for Achieving Monthly and Annual Goals: Set monthly and annual sales goals and worked diligently to achieve them, monitoring the team's performance and implementing strategies to reach these goals.

In this role, my responsibilities encompassed strategic, operational, and leadership aspects with the aim of ensuring the restaurant's success and customer satisfaction.

My Skills

Technologies Databases Programming Language
Git, Github e Git Lab SQL Server Python
HTML e CSS Oracle PHP7
Linux PostgreSQL JavaScript
Windows 10
Active Directory
Web 3.0
Blockchain -
Wallet Cold e Hot
Runes Fungible tokens
Defi Decentralized Finance

My Projects

Electronic Point

Desktop and Mobile

Access Project

Game Snake

Desktop Only

Access Project

Power BI

In progress

Access Project

Testimonial to Jhonatan

Imagen people

Tenho o prazer de recomendar Jhonatan, com quem tive o privilégio de conhecer ao longo dos anos. Embora nunca tenhamos trabalhado juntos diretamente, pude observar de perto sua dedicação e comprometimento em todas as suas empreitadas. Ele é uma pessoa excepcionalmente esforçada, sempre buscando a excelência em tudo o que faz. Sua paixão por aprender e crescer é admirável e contagiosa. Através de conversas e interações, pude perceber sua habilidade em enfrentar desafios com uma atitude positiva e determinada.

Não tenho dúvidas de que tendo Jhonatan em sua equipe, será uma adição valiosa para qualquer equipe ou projeto. Sua ética de trabalho incansável, juntamente com sua disposição em aprender e se adaptar, a tornam uma pessoa única e inspiradora.

Fico ansioso para testemunhar todas as conquistas futuras, pois tenho certeza de que continuará a impressionar com seu comprometimento e habilidades excepcionais.

Imagen people

I have had the pleasure of mentoring Jhonatan, and I can confidently say that he is an exceptional full stack engineer. Jonathan possesses great qualities that make him stand out in the engineering role.

Jhonatan is incredibly hardworking and has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He's always eager to learn new technologies and doesn't hesitate to dive into challenging projects. His dedication to continuous improvement is truly commendable and sets a fantastic example for his peers.

What truly sets Jhonatan apart, however, is his outstanding social skills. He's a team player in every sense of the word, and his ability to collaborate and communicate effectively is remarkable. Jhonatan is kind, approachable, and never lets ego get in the way. He's a true pleasure to work with and fosters a positive and inclusive work environment wherever he goes.

Having observed Jhonatan's growth and development, I have no doubt that he will continue to excel in his career. He's not only a talented engineer, but also a fantastic colleague who brings out the best in those around him. Any team or organization would be fortunate to have Jhonatan on board.

I wholeheartedly recommend Jhonatan to anyone seeking a dedicated, eager-to-learn, and socially adept engineer.

Imagen people

I hope this message finds you well. Recently, I had the opportunity to work alongside an exceptionally talented individual in the field of software development, and I immediately thought of you. I would like to share with you some impressive qualities that I observed, and based on that, I have a special recommendation for you.

This person is truly determined. They tackle challenges head-on and never give up until they find a suitable solution. Their perseverance and willingness to overcome obstacles are unparalleled. I am certain that with their resolute approach, they would be a valuable asset to any development team.

Furthermore, they are extremely helpful. Always ready to assist coworkers, they create a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing doubts and seeking guidance. Their ability to empathize with others and offer support demonstrates their incredible skill in building positive relationships.

One characteristic that truly impressed me is their aptitude for learning. They absorb new knowledge at an astonishing pace and apply it effectively. It is admirable to see how they stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field of software development. I am confident that this natural ability to learn would be a significant advantage in any project they participate in.

Therefore, based on these undeniable qualities of being determined, helpful, and having a facility for learning, I strongly recommend that you consider this individual for opportunities in the software development field. I am certain that they will bring a unique set of skills and a positive work mindset to any team they join.

If you need any further information or additional details, please feel free to contact me. I am here to assist.

Wishing you the best on your professional journey!

Sincerely, Júlio Campos

Imagen people

During the time we collaborated, I could firsthand witness Jhonatan's dedication and competence in his role. His ability to tackle complex data challenges is impressive, and his constant pursuit of high-quality solutions has a positive impact on our team and projects.

Jhonatan demonstrates a deep understanding of best practices in database administration, and his ability to implement them effectively is admirable. Furthermore, he possesses incredible logical reasoning skills. Additionally, his collaborative approach makes teamwork and problem-solving more efficient.

I wholeheartedly recommend Jhonatan Pinheiro without reservations for any team or project seeking an exceptional DBA. His experience, work ethic, and commitment to delivering outstanding results are qualities that set him apart as a high-caliber professional.

I am confident that Jhonatan will continue to make his mark wherever he goes. I am certain that he will be a valuable addition to any work environment. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work alongside such a talented and dedicated colleague. If you would like more information about him, I am open to receiving messages from anyone interested.

Best regards, Gabriel Felonta

Imagen people

I am pleased to write this professional recommendation for Jhonatan. I had the pleasure of meeting and working with him during the period he worked in the IT department at RICLAN S.A for the company Adesso.

Jhonatan is an incredibly diligent, proactive and intelligent individual. Your tireless dedication to facing challenges and overcoming obstacles is a hallmark quality.

Furthermore, Jhonatan is an excellent collaborator and team player. His friendly nature and effective communication skills make him a pleasant person to work with.

His exemplary work ethic and passion for continuous learning inspire his team colleagues to strive even harder.

Jhonatan is always willing to take on additional responsibilities and contribute ideas that benefit both the team and the company as a whole. Based on my experience working with Jhonatan, I have no doubt that he will continue to have a positive impact in any IT work environment.

Imagen people

Gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade para recomendar Jhonatan como um profissional notável na área de tecnologia. Embora não tenhamos trabalhado juntos diretamente, tenho acompanhado o trabalho e fiquei muito impressionada com sua paixão, conhecimento e conquistas na área.

Sua dedicação em criatividade e habilidades técnicas é evidente e inspiradora. Sinto confiança em recomenda-lo para qualquer equipe ou projeto que valorize a excelência e a contribuição significativa.

Continuo ansiosa para acompanhar seu progresso e conquistas futuras.

Imagen people

Jhonatan sempre esforçado, com espírito de equipe, nunca deixando o trabalho pentender mais para um do que para outro. Ajudou muito na organização dos grupos e divisão de tarefas, na epoca pouco sabíamos sobre frameworks / metodologias como Scrum, mas ele o fazia quase que instintivamente. Ótimo amigo, sabemos que amizade precisa de dedicação, e vocêc também o faz muito bem! Vontade de aprender também é uma marca muito forte na sua personalidade e eu não poderia deixar de citar, trocamos conhecimentos constantemente.

Imagen people

Todo o empenho do trabalho desenvolvido sempre foi excelente, com rapidez na execução das demandas, além de ser atencioso e educado nos momentos de resolver os problemas.

Sempre buscava novos aprendizados, conversava com as pessoas para encontrar meios de resolver as urgências que surgia no trabalho e tomava a iniciativa de resolver os imprevistos.

Recomendo esse excelente profissional que se dedica em obter novos conhecimentos, é proativo, sabe resolver os problemas de forma simples, rápido e com qualidade.

Imagen people

I wanted to take this opportunity to share a special recommendation with you and my network for an exceptional colleague in the technology field.

I have witnessed firsthand his impressive technical skills, passion for technology, and ability to solve complex problems easily. Moreover, Jhonatan Pinheiro always demonstrates a positive attitude, proactive approach, and a strong commitment to the quality and success of his team.

He is collaborative, respectful, and always willing to help others. His ability to communicate clearly and effectively is a true asset as he can convey complex concepts in a simple and understandable manner.

In summary, Jhonatan Pinheiro is a reference in the technology field and a talented and reliable professional. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend his work to any company or project.

Congratulations on your work!

Imagen people

I know Jhonatan for at least 15 years, and i always get surpresed with him, he is always studying, and looking for new technologies and new knowledgement, because this i highly recommend him for his exceptional skills, dedication, and collaborative approach in the projects we worked on together. His technical expertise, attention to detail, and critical thinking were instrumental in achieving successful outcomes. Jhonatan is a valuable asset to any team, consistently demonstrating a strong work ethic and a positive attitude. It has been a privilege to work alongside him, and I wholeheartedly recommend him.

Imagen people

O Jhonatan é super profissional e disposto sempre a ajudar os colegas. Tive o prazer de trabalhar com ele no RadiusNet, onde ele demonstrou um desempenho incrível como DBA.

Imagen people

Gostaria de deixar aqui minha satisfação em ter trabalhado com o Jhonatan, profissional maravilhoso, atencioso, inteligente, ágil, facilidade em aprendizagem e desempenho. Além de empata e receptivo.

Foi uma honra fazer amizade e ter você como profissional em minha equipe.

Imagen people

Continue assim! Você chegará muito longe. Parabéns pela criatividade, excelência e dedicação. Seu trabalho é incrível!

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